Class 1:
Local Government in PA
Overview of the organization and structure of local government in Pennsylvania.
Class 2:
Stormwater & MS4
Review of duties and responsibilities of the Public Works Department, Stormwater regulations and MS4s
Class 3:
Public Safety Tour and Demonstration
This module will offer an overview of the training received by emergency responders at the Chester County Public Safety Training Campus. It includes a tour of the training facility and the 911 Communications Center, as well as a training demonstration by the West Chester Emergency Response Team.
Class 4:
Planning & Funding Road and Trail Projects
Overview of how local governments can work together to make improvements to roads and intersections
Class 5:
Planning, Zoning and Land Development
Review of the legal foundations and procedures associated with planning, zoning and development
Class 7:
Public Finance & Taxation
Review of municipal financial practices and revenue generation.
Class 8:
Review of police services at the local level